Navigate directly through the categories on the top bar or type in what you are after in the search box, Check availability and click ‘“Add to Cart” once you are finished shopping click "Check Out" and follow the on screen instruction to enter your delivery details and payment information.
Web ~
You can order directly from this site via our secure check out pages.
Visit us ~
Pick up your parts from us direct from the address below.
Post ~
Send your requirements to the address below
Grainger Guitar Parts
By Phone ~
Place your order by phone 01572 768036 we can take a credit card payment, Monday - Friday 9.30am - 3pm.
Email ~
Email us at graingerguitarparts@yahoo.com with the parts you require and your preferred payment method.
It is incredibly easy to pay using our website.
When you have chosen everything you need and filled your basket, you are directed to our secure and easy to use checkout area. Our checkout area is heavily secured using SSL certificates (https://) so you can feel assured that your information is encrypted and safe when placing an order. As well as being heavily protected by our SSL servers, it is also protected by either Stripe or by PayPal, depending with which method you choose to pay.
We accept 2 main forms of payment – debit or credit card payment
via Stripe or PayPal, both of which are extremely secure and heavily
protected using SSL certification.

Stripe - accepts all major credit or debit cards. Every transaction and its information passed between Grainger Guitar Parts and Stripe is encrypted using 128-bit SSL certificates. No cardholder information is ever passed unencrypted. You can be completely assured that nothing you ever pass to Stripe can be examined, used or modified by a third party attempting to access your information.
PayPal – when you pay via PayPal, all information is protected by 168-bit SSL certificates which is the most that is commercially available! Your personal information is stored on PayPal’s servers which are heavily guarded both online and physically.